Sunday, 10 June 2007

Still tired...

So we finished the run of How To Succeed In Business... last night with a pretty good performance, followed by one of the best aided get-outs I have ever seen - we had a good sized bunch of people helping, cheerfully, get the set out, everything cleaned up, and finally repainting the stage floor - the stage surface is hardboard with normally a coat of graphite grey paint on it, if someone wishes it a different colour for a show we have to return it to normal afterwards.

The real shame is that, despite a stonking show, lots of energy and really good staging and set, the audiences were disappointing because (we believe) its not a well recognised show (despite being a real big one back in the 60's).

Afterwards we had a post show party - pie and peas. And then I collapsed into bed, and still feel fairly zomby-like today.

Saturday, 2 June 2007

More Bees

I'm back in theatre again - this time to stage manage a production of How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. The bees are also back. There were many wandering around and dying on stage in the morning - then I found one on a cloth I was tying up to a flying bar (it didn't like being found and stung me).
Setting lights was a problem because the things are attracted to them when on - my colleague also picked up a sting then.
Later we rigged an insect killer up on a flying bar near the root - it appeared to be picking up a large number of victims.
These are supposed to be Masonry Bees - which apparently are unable to penetrate human skin. However several of us were stung. Hopefully the maintenance guys can do something about them after the weekend.